JavaScript Node.js Publish NPM Package

JavaScript Node.js has become very popular javascript runtime environment. Let's take a closer look at the steps to take on how we can publish NPM package.

Node JavaScript How to Publish an NPM package

Node.js is a free open-source cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.
Testing we can utilize "link":
yarn link
> Output:

yarn link v1.22.22 success Registered common-sdk-catto. info You can now run `yarn link common-sdk-catto` in the projects where you want to use this package and it will be used instead.

Then in our project we want to use it we link it there & it creates it in our node_modules
yarn link common-sdk-catto
> Output:

success Using linked package for common-sdk-catto.

To publish it we could use Github or the more famous We need to authenticate to Github we can do so by updating our ~/.npmrc file (not in project it's in our mac by the .zshrc) #todo add a little more detail here.
npm publish
> Output:

npm notice Publishing to with tag latest and default access.