Mac Environment Setup
- Setting up our Mac developer environment is a fundamental piece of software development where we install software that we will utilize.
Summaryof setting up our mac for development:
1. Install Browsers & extensions - Chrome
2. Install Homebrew
3. Install Git & tools
4. Install IDE's
5. Communication Apps
6. Install Postman
7. Install Docker
8. .zshrc configuration
Details of setting up next-auth in Next.js includes the following:
1. Install Browsers & extensions - Chrome
Install Browsers & extensions - Chrome
2. Install Homebrew
Installing Homebrew is very helpful package management system which helps us tremendously to install software. Check the official page to get the exact command but it goes a little something like this:Terminal>/bin/bash -c \'\$(curl -fsSL\'> Output:homebrew installed message
3. Install Git & tools
Git on new mac's is installed by default. Git is the industry standard for software versioning. There are some good UI tools tool- Sourcetree
- GitHub Desktop
4. Install IDE's
Iterated Development Environment's are essential for software development. Here are a few of my favorite.- VS Code
- Xcode - download from app store on your mac;
- Android Studio
- DBeaver I've grown to like DBeaver for Postgresql however I do like others. I grew up on SSMS for .NET & for Mongo I often use for Compass
- Compass; SQL Server Management Studio SSMS & PG Admin - optional database IDE's
- Eclipse - boo (I need this for old SFCC dev but do not like it)
5. Communication Apps
- Slack - great chat app
- Discord - There are some good developer servers to join
- What's App - I use this for more social and messaging friends & group chats
- Teams & Outlook - If working in a Microsoft shop these are essential; however now a days kinda feel old
- Zoom - I don't love zoom but often business's use it
- Skype - deprecated - haven't used it in quite some time now
- WebEx - optional
6. Install Postman
Postman is a good app that we cn utilize to test API'sOfficial Postman page.1const nextConfig = { 2 output: export
7. Install Docker
Docker is a good free app that let's us use containers to help build software. One example is we can have a database container so it's easy to spin up and not have to install it all locally.Official Docker page.8. .zshrc file configuration
The .zshrc file configuration is essential for Z-Shell scripting. In our directory of Macintosh HD > Users > userName we have (if not there we can create) a file named .zshrc. All files starting with a dot are "hidden" and we can view hidden files in finder by pressing cmd+shift+. So opening the file to me I like to simply use the app TextEdit (others use vim or text editing methods). Then here are some important lines we can add to our .zshrc1export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" 2[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm 3 4export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH 5export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" 6[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm 7[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
So as we see our mac's environmental setup is fundamental & requires installing a bunch of software.